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Qiran.com is the safest Muslim Matrimonial site

Qiran.com's Muslim Matrimonial site is the most trusted Muslim Matrimonial service because it is run by Muslims who understand the culture of Muslim singles and Muslim marriages. Qiran.com is the only successful Muslim matrimonial site that is run 100% by Muslims. Other Muslim matrimonial sites are not run by Muslims, and therefore are not as effective in meeting the needs of Muslim singles. Our matrimonial site has Islamic marriage standards to provide its members with a safe, halal, trusted and comfortable matrimonial experience for all Muslim singles. And with our quality Muslim profiles and speedy technical support, we are confident that you will find a perfect muslima match at Qiran.com!

Recently Joined Members

31Y, Muslim, Male Odd jobs/Part time, Punjab, Pakistan
18Y, No Religion, Female Unspecified, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
28Y, Muslim, Male Self-Employed, England, United Kingdom
29Y, Muslim, Male Professor / Teacher, Punjab, Pakistan
27Y, Muslim, Female Self-Employed, Washington, United States
19Y, Muslim, Female Biologist, Marrakech, Morocco
24Y, Muslim, Female Not working, Dubai, U.A.E.
25Y, Muslim, Male Not working, Amman, Jordan

How It Works

Marriage is recommended for partners who share a common way of life. The matrimonial partners should be able to fulfill their purpose of creation as defined by Allah. They should be able to effectively carry out their responsibility as care-takers (khalifah) of earth.

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Embark on a lifelong journey towards a happy marriage with your soulmate.

Sweet Stories From Our Couples

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Thousands of people from over 150 different countries have found their life partner through Qiran.com. Here are a few of our un-edited success stories.

Faisal & Aisha from Denmark
  • By Faisal & Aisha from Denmark

شكراً لكل اعضاء القيران .نحن و من خلال خمسة عشرة يوم حب تمكنا من الزواج اعتقد انها اسرع زواج في العالم .شكراً مره اخرى مع خالص الحب لكم ولموقعكم ،فيصل و عاءشة

Nisasaliha & Saiid Jameel
  • By Nisasaliha & Saiid Jameel

We met Mehndi.com marriage website. We are very happy, thanks for everything..

Nour & Hiba from Denmark (pic)
  • By Nour & Hiba from Denmark (pic)

Dear Users of Mehndi.com! Salaam Aleikum.. First I would like to present myself. My name is Nour, 23 year old albanian muslim who has been living in Denmark since I was a very little kid. I started using Qiran at a point in my life where I felt ready for marriage and commitment with the right girl. My wish was to find a true islamic young woman who like me was ready to start a life in the way our profet (saws) has showed us. After months chatting with a few selected girls, I started to realize that I was falling in love with one of these special girls.. Her name was Hiba.. The problem was that I was albanian, and she was Iraqi, but also lived in Denmark with her family. Luckily for me and Hiba, both of our families didnt want to stand in the way of our wish to live an islamic life together as man and woman. The best part of all is that we met the 26th of october, 2007... and got married exactly the year after at the 26th of october, 2008, Thanks to Allah! Our advice to the users of Qiran is to be patient and goodhearted with each other, and Inshaallah more will experience love the true Islamic way like me and Hiba, my wife.. Ma salama!


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